Conochiloides dossurarius, a pelagic plankton rotifer. Adult female in gelatinous sheath with two amictic eggs and a just hatched offspring. (3) |
Conochiloides dossurarius; in contrast to some colonial Conochilus-species like C. unicornis or C. hippocrepis the species of the subgenus Conochiloides are solitary, and the ventral antennas are located posterior of the corona. In contrast to Conochiloides natans (with two separate ventral antennas) the ventral antennas are partly fused (arrows). (1) |
Conochiloides dossurarius, lateral view. The arrow points to the knob-like dorsal antenna. An: anus; Co: corona; Ft: foot; In: intestinum; St: stomach; Tr: malleoramate trophi; V:. partly fused ventral antenna. (1) |
Conochiloides dossurarius, lateral view focal plane on the ventral antennas. (3) |
(8) Conochilus dossuarius, dorsal view; snapshot of the metachronal beating of the trochal cilia. The image shows that the bases of the cilia are aranged in rows that are arranged at an angle of ≈ 35 degrees with reference to the trochus (arrow). Because the metachronal movement of the cilia is clockwise and the effective stroke is in forward direction the metachronal coordination is dexioplectic. (3) |
Conochiloides dossurarius, two images of the ventral antennas. Left: focus plane on the sensory cell of the right ventral antenna (the ventral side is upside) . Right: both sensory cells can be retracted independentely from each other. (3) |
Conochiloides dossurarius, malleoramate trophi with conspicuous asymmetric rami (arrows), which is in contrast to Conochiloides natans. Unci with 5 major teeth, which is in contrast to C. coenobasis (3 major unci teeth). (3) |
Conochiloides dossurarius var. coenobasis, a pelagic rotifer, lateral view. (2) |
Conochilus dossurarius var. coenobasis, a pelagic rotifer, lateral view. In contrast to Conochilus natans this species has a partly adnate lateral antennae (arrowhead). (2) |
Location (3): Hammerteich; Witten, NRW, Germany |
Habitat (3): plankton |
Date (3): coll. 13.06.2023 ; img.: 13.06.2023 |
Location: Anhausen near Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany; pond (1); Etang de Kegoat-Bourg Blanc, Brittany, France (2) |
Habitat: Plankton(1); (2) |
Date: 07.08.2012 (1); 13.05.2014 (2) |